
Questioning Evangelism: Engaging People’s Hearts the Way Jesus Did is unavailable, but you can change that!

This is a much-needed look at sharing Christ with unbelievers, based not on guerrilla hard-sell tactics, but on engaging questions and caring interaction. Filled with humor and stories, this book provides a challenging yet encouraging look at evangelism in our world today. It argues that asking questions and starting meaningful conversations is a far better method for sharing faith than prepared...

more people kept missing his target, the more hardened he became in his unbelief. There was in his voice almost a sense of “I dare you to prove my telephone theory wrong.” So I opted for a partial victory rather than the total one. “Isn’t it possible that the God who first inspired the Bible also preserved it?” Silence. “Do you see what I’m asking?” “Not really.” “Let’s just say that there is a god and that he wants to communicate with us. That’s possible, theoretically, isn’t it?” “Theoretically.”
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